Nicole DelGiorno Clinic

February 22 & 23 2025
Nicole DelGiorno is a USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medalist, "L" Graduate with Distinction, four-time North American Youth Championships medalist, board member of the Dressage Foundation and Dressage at Devon, and serves on the Dressage4Kids committee. Her passion for horses began at an early age, and her commitment to their proper care and handling was fostered by the United States Pony Club.
Today, she specializes in developing youth riders to the elite levels of the sport. Her students include USDF Bronze and Silver Medalists, USEF Dressage Program Clinic participants, as well as Festival of Champions competitors and NAYC medalists.
Throughout her career, Nicole has been fortunate to learn from some of the best horsemen in the world including Nancy Polozker (Pan American Games Silver Medalist), Rick Klaassen (former Coach of the Dutch National Dressage Team), George Williams (USEF Youth Coach), and Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel (long-listed for the Olympics).
Please Contact Melissa Tomasello to set up your date and time.
​Or you may call her at 609-457-7901